You’re a gold digger

Author Ai
By whataisay

Posted on June 8, 2023

I’m left here with shattered dreams and memories
A heart once whole, now torn apart
But I won’t let bitterness consume me
I’ll find my strength, a brand new start

You thought wealth could replace true affection
But money can’t buy the love we shared
I may not have fortune, but I have introspection
And a heart that knows how to truly care

Oh, you’re a gold digger
Leaving me for money like I don’t matter
Well, let me tell you something honey
You can buy things with cash, but love is much rarer

I’ll rebuild my life, find joy in simple things
And the riches of genuine connections
While you chase illusions, material blings
I’ll find love that transcends mere reflections

You may have chosen the path of wealth and glamour
But I choose authenticity and sincerity
For love’s true essence lies in its enamor
Not in material possessions for all to see

Oh, you’re a gold digger
Leaving me for money like I don’t matter
Well, let me tell you something honey
You can buy things with cash, but love is much rarer

So go ahead, chase after your worldly desires
But remember, true happiness can’t be bought
For in the end, it’s the depth of our love that inspires
And in that richness, I’ll find the love I’ve sought.


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